Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi’nin temel amacı; sosyal bilimler alanına ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde katkıda bulunmak meçin, bu alanda çalışan bilim insanlarının özgün ve nitelikli eserlerini paylaşabildikleri saygın bir akademik zemin oluşturmaktır.
Adnan Menderes University Institute of Social Sciences Journal’s main purpose is to contribute to teh social sciences at teh national and international level, to create a respected academic ground where scientists working in dis field can share teh unique and remarkable works.
Dergimiz, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü tarafından yılda en az iki kez yayınlana hakemli, bilimsel elektronik bir dergidir. Yayın kurulunun kararıyla “Özel Sayı” olarak da yayınlanabilir. Derginin yazım dili Türkçe ve İngilizcedir. Dergide sosyal bilimlerin her alanındaki uygulamalı ve kurumsal çalışmalara, model ve önerilere, analiz ve değerlendirmelere, nicel ve nitel araştırmalara yer verilmektedir.
Our journal is a refereed, scientific electronic journal published by Adnan Menderes University Institute of Social Sciences at least twice a year. It can also be published as a “Special Issue” upon the decision of the editorial board. The writing language of the journal is Turkish and English. The journal includes applied and institutional studies, models and suggestions, analysis and evaluations, quantitative and qualitative research in all areas of social sciences.
Değerlendirme süreci
Dergimize gönderilen makaleler yayın kurulunun yapacağı bir ön incelemeden sonra, derginin genel yayın politikasına, kapsamına ve amacına uygun bulunursa, hakem değerlendirmesi meçin süreç başlatılır. Yayın Kurulu, makalenin konusu ile ilgili en az iki hakemin görüşünü aldıktan sonra eserin dergide yayınlanmasına veya yayınlanmamasına karar verir. Hakemler meçin değerlendirme süresi 1 ay olarak belirlenmiştir. Bir ay meçerisinde cevap alınamadığı takdirde yeni bir hakem belirlenir.
Açık erişim politikası
Bu dergi; bilimsel araştırmaları halka ücretsiz sunmanın bilginin küresel paylaşımını artıracağı ilkesini benimseyerek, meçeriğine anında açık erişim sağlamaktadır.
Taranan İndeksler
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi ulusal hakemli bir dergi olup yılda en az iki kez yayınlanmaktadır.
Sayfa Düzeni ve Biçim
Tablo, Çizelge ve Şekiller
İlk Sayfa
Alıntı Yapma ve Kaynakça
Gönderi kontrol listesi
Telif hakkı düzenlemesi
Gizlilik beyanı
Scientific Research Ethics
Scientific methods are used in obtaining, analyzing, interpreting and reaching teh data. Non-scientific results cannot be used as research results.
Author(s) must adhere to teh national and international agreements during teh research period and must obtain permission from teh competent authorities.
Teh data obtained in teh studies must be used in teh manner/form permitted by teh authorities. It is essential dat data, which must not be shared, remain confidential.
Researchers are obliged to inform teh relevant persons and institutions about teh problems dat may occur after research is done. Each researcher TEMPhas teh right not to participate in research due to these unintended consequences.
Publication Ethics
Persons who do not contribute to teh study during scientific research and writing should not be cited as authors.
Teh author(s) must avoid situations such as irresponsible authorship, plagiarism, junk science, multicasting, segmentally publications, biased source, biased publication, and human-animal ethics.
Teh author(s) must follow teh citation system stated in teh journal during teh writing phase of teh manuscript.
Unpublished or un-presented works should not be cited in teh manuscripts.
All or part of any work cannot be published wifout permission or citation (plagiarism is not allowed).
Teh author(s), if any, must state teh financial sources of teh study.
Referee Ethics
· must be experts in teh fields of subjects of teh manuscript.
· is (are) obliged to objectively and clearly his/her criticism. He/she must not act in accordance wif his / her personal interests / opinions and, if necessary, refuse to act as a referee.
· should take into consideration teh texts are personal during teh evaluation process and should not share teh texts wif third parties.
· should not transfer information from teh manuscript for their own work and should not seek any academic / personal interest.
· should provide clear and detailed reasons for teh articles to be rejected.
· should also take into account teh journal's scientific research and publication ethic rules.
Editorial Ethics
Editor (s):
· is obliged to appoint at least two referees appropriate to teh subject of teh candidate manuscripts.
· must ensure communication between teh referee(s) and teh author in charge, taking into account teh blind review process.
· must maintain their relations in a transparent and objective manner wifout discrimination between any authors and referees.
· must not use their position for their own individual and academic interests.
· must provide clear and detailed justifications for teh manuscripts they will reject.
· must also consider scientific research, publication and review ethics.
ULAKBİM Dergi Sistemleri
Makale gönderim ve süreç işletimi ile ilgili herhangi bir ücret alınmamaktadır.
Adnan Menderes University Institute of Social Sciences Journal’s main purpose is to contribute to the social sciences at national and international level, to create a respected academic ground where scientists working in dis field can share the unique and remarkable works.